Bonjour! De Koude Kermis op Sunny Side of the Doc 2019 festival
De zomer reizen we af naar het prachtige La Rochelle in Frankrijk voor Sunny Side of the Doc 2019-festival. We hebben de eer om ‘The Fair Grounds’ en ‘Tijdreizigers‘ voor het eerst op PiXii in Frankrijk te tonen!

The Fair Grounds at Sunny Side Of The Doc 2019, La Rochelle Frankrijk
Vermelding PiXii:
In Time Travellers, escaperoom on wheels the iconic Dutch videogame Vakantieracer, a sequel to the famous A2 Racer, has been reinvented. The installation uses a mechanically navigable Fiat Panda as an arcade simulator in conjunction with a big screen and augmented reality-glasses. The result is a total mix of physical and digital realities in which the player receives both digital and analogue clues and archived video materials from the collection of the Netherlands Institute voor Sound and Vision.